Octant Predict
Endeavour Programme’s Octant AI Predict Module forecasts final cost and project profitability, using powerful algorithms and extensive industry data from many sectors (water, road and civil projects). The artificial intelligence platform can be used to provide data driven predictions for any similar projects for any sector specific client. The most advanced sector in the stable focusses on roads and civil projects with a building project platform in the wings. Octant AI reduces costs and time overruns by providing project decision makers with more accurate, faster and earlier project outcome forecasts, which allows more informed decisions with less uncertainty. It is the vanguard of a new approach to project decision making which underpins measurable improvement to the current non-AI methods used globally.
Octant AI is cloud based and runs on Amazon Web Services (AWS) which is secure, easy to use, integrates with most corporate data warehousing systems and operates across any device. It is accessed online in a SaaS format. Risks of data security have been addressed, with an easily adapted method available to integrate with client data security and privacy policies.
Endeavour Programme builds customisable dashboard interfaces for clients using their own existing platform, or our standard reporting format.
Levels of Service
Octant Predict – Start-up
What things would you do differently today if you had more certainty of your project future?
Octant AI can provide you with an immediate comparison between your current project Forecast Final Cost at any time during the project life cycle, from estimate to completion.
Octant Predict – Start-up is an ideal way for a client to be provided with an AI-driven forecast for projects in your sector. This Micro Data-Insight provides you with an immediate comparison of the Forecast Final Cost between that produced by the project team to the data driven forecast provided by Octant. If the Octant forecast is significantly different to that of the project team then we recommend the client conduct a thorough and detailed review to discover why there is a difference and take action as required to bring the project back on track. This is a very simple, low cost yet highly effective early warning system for an outside view of a project’s performance.
By keeping the data structure clean and simple, Endeavour Programme delivers a simple to use near-instant turn-around forecast, allowing you to focus on the projects that need attention.
The Micro Data-Insight uses only a tiny amount of project level data, for one project at a time, for one project reporting period. This allows for a powerful AI prediction for clients on a project by project basis, in a fraction of the usual time and cost of manual project forecasting techniques, and at the statistically higher levels of accuracy that only AI can deliver.
Octant Predict – Business
How can you leverage your own organisation’s data assets for stepped improvement to your project outcomes?
More tailored and powerful AI insights are achievable through the use of the broader set of data which your own organisation already possesses. Organisations which structure their existing data resources for machine learning, achieve much greater data asset value. By combining the existing data from multiple sources and from a greater range of projects you will achieve more insights, at a low cost. The Small Data-Insight delivers a more tailored Octant AI prediction service, based on project level data from within an organisation, for as many projects as available. This provides a greater level of performance that combines an organisation’s performance with the industry level insights, providing a business level solution.
Octant Predict – Business encourages the clients to learn more about how the AI will further benefit their business outcomes.
Octant Predict – Enterprise
How can you implement artificial intelligence technology to deliver continuous improvement to enterprise outcomes into the future?
For the most comprehensive level of value capture, our Big Data-Insight provides the highest level of tailoring of actionable AI insights. Octant AI is trained on more detailed project data at a level not achievable through any other existing system.
Whether a fast and accurate AI prediction for your projects is required or a highly customised, organisation specific AI platform is preferred, Endeavour Programme will deliver a product that will meet the demands of your organisation and exceed your expectations. The enterprise solution includes integration with existing data sources within and outside the enterprise to deliver continuous improvement through multiple data sources and product improvements.
Future Octant Products – Plan and Prevent
Endeavour Programme will offer solutions to provide data driven benchmarks for project estimates and tender evaluations, known as Octant Plan. This solution will be a variant on Octant Predict utilising both estimate data and project out turn data to provide a probabilistic view of the likelihood of the estimate being correct.
Through the application of Natural Language processing Octant Prevent will learn about projects from unstructured data to supplement the Plan and Predict Products.
Endeavour Programme is also developing a powerful AI-driven scenario modeller, Octant Prevent. This will assist clients in quickly and efficiently generating many tactical options to keep projects on track in a fraction of the time it usually takes and to a degree not currently practically achievable when projects are discovered to be veering away from expectations.
Artificial Intelligence applied to cost and time management of projects is identified by many commentators as a game changer. Working closely with our industry partners and our strategic research partners at University of Oxford, Octant AI is the first commercial product available in this emerging field. If your projects are always on time and budget, we salute you. If they are not, then contact us today to do something about it.